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Mackay’s Generosity Shines at the Mayor’s Charity Ball 2024

Mackay's Generosity Shines at the Mayor’s Charity Ball 2024
Image courtesy of

Beneficiaries Announced, Continuing the Tradition of Making a Real Impact

Mackay’s illustrious Mayor’s Charity Ball has unveiled its 2024 beneficiaries, continuing its legacy of generosity and community impact. 

With a track record of surpassing the $1 million mark for donations, this year’s spotlight falls on two crucial charities: the Australian Street Aid Project and the Grapevine Group.

A Shared Stage for Charitable Causes

Mayor Greg Williamson highlighted the event’s mission to significantly bolster these chosen charities over the next two years, amplifying their impact within the community.

Splitting the proceeds equally between the Australian Street Aid Project and the Grapevine Group underscores a strategic focus on addressing homelessness and suicide prevention in the Mackay region.

Continued Support for Critical Causes

The Australian Street Aid Project, led by Mackay nurse Kayleigh Brewster, expressed profound gratitude for the opportunity to extend their reach through this charitable platform once more.

Their dedication to addressing homelessness aligns perfectly with the pressing needs of the local community.

A Milestone and a Mission

Meanwhile, the Grapevine Group, celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2024, sees this opportunity not just as a fundraising avenue but also as a chance to heighten awareness about suicide prevention.

Their commitment to training and building a network of individuals equipped to handle such crises emphasises the vital role the community plays in supporting mental health.

Supporting Stars

Behind the scenes, the event is bolstered by the unwavering support of sponsors like DGH Engineering, Fergus Builders, Daly Bay, and a lineup of Gold and Silver sponsors, each contributing to this philanthropic extravaganza.

Encouraging Mackay’s Involvement

With media partners and in-kind sponsors, the event is poised to capture Mackay’s attention and participation, encouraging everyone to have a ball and make a difference at the 2024 Mayor’s Charity Ball.

The Mayor’s Charity Ball stands as a testament to Mackay’s compassionate spirit, uniting the community to uplift those in need. This year’s focus on crucial causes continues to showcase the city’s commitment to making a tangible difference.

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