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Navigating Mackay’s Housing Landscape: The Pivotal Role of Local Government

Navigating Mackay's Housing Landscape: The Pivotal Role of Local Government

As Queensland gears up for early voting, Q Shelter, the state’s peak housing and homelessness body, sheds light on Mackay’s housing challenges and the crucial role local governments can play in addressing them.

Local Leadership in Action

In a recent communication to mayoral and councillor candidates, Q Shelter emphasised the pivotal role councils can play in tackling homelessness and fostering strategic housing supply.

Fiona Caniglia, Q Shelter’s Executive Director, underscores the interconnected responsibilities of each government tier, emphasising the need for a consolidated approach.

Mackay’s Housing Landscape

Drawing insights from the Queensland Government statistician’s office, Mackay reveals a unique housing scenario.

With an annual growth rate of 0.6% over a decade, lower than the state average, Mackay stands out.

Additionally, the region reports lower levels of rental stress (32.7%) compared to the state average (40.8%).

Innovative Solutions for Mackay

Caniglia suggests that local governments play a vital role in implementing housing supply strategies.

Encouraging progressive planning reforms, she advocates for fast-tracking approval processes for social and affordable housing projects.

Moreover, aligning land supply and housing targets with population projections is key to success.

Partnerships and Incentives

Highlighting the leadership, innovation, and partnerships displayed by local governments in Queensland, Caniglia recommends considering discounts on development fees for social and affordable housing projects.

By regulating short-term rentals and rewarding housing retention in the private market, councils can further alleviate housing pressures.

Looking Forward

As Mackay navigates its unique housing challenges, the call for a consolidated ‘Housing and Homelessness’ strategy gains prominence.

Q Shelter stands ready for discussions on innovative solutions, urging local governments to address both current and future housing needs with foresight and commitment in 2024.

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