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Feb 17, 2025
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Wind: 21 Km/h
Sunrise: 6:30 am
Sunset: 5:46 pm

Adam V

Reuben Mah from Soil CRC won after developing a portable, pocket-sized 3D-printed device that pairs with smartphone apps to allow farmers to quickly and accurately test their soil.

Winner of Cooperative Research Australia’s Early Career Researcher (ECR) Competition has been announced

What’s Happening? Reuben Mah from Soil CRC and the University of Tasmania was announced as the winner of Cooperative Research Australia’s Early Career Researcher (ECR) Competition for developing a portable, pocket-sized 3D-printed device that pairs with smartphone apps to allow farmers to quickly and accurately test their soil. Why It matters The research will help reduce the expenses and facilitate the timely process of current laboratory testing with farmers and agronomists (plant and soil scientists) already witnessing the benefits of the device, which optimises their soil fertility interventions for the best crop growth. By The Numbers High calibre entries from all five ECR Competition finalists suggested a strong pool of next-generation research experts for Australia. Earlier this evening, more than

Safeguarding At-Risk Adults in Australia

Safeguarding At-Risk Adults in Australia

Australia’s elderly population faces growing risks of abuse and neglect. Dr. John Chesterman calls for dedicated state agencies to safeguard at-risk adults, drawing on international best practices and emphasising a people-centred approach.

Reuben Mah from Soil CRC won after developing a portable, pocket-sized 3D-printed device that pairs with smartphone apps to allow farmers to quickly and accurately test their soil.

Winner of Cooperative Research Australia’s Early Career Researcher (ECR) Competition has been announced

What’s Happening? Reuben Mah from Soil CRC and the University of Tasmania was announced as the winner of Cooperative Research Australia’s Early Career Researcher (ECR) Competition for developing a portable, pocket-sized 3D-printed device that pairs with smartphone apps to allow farmers to quickly and accurately test their soil. Why It matters The research will help reduce the expenses and facilitate the timely process of current laboratory testing with farmers and agronomists (plant and soil scientists) already witnessing the benefits of the device, which optimises their soil fertility interventions for the best crop growth. By The Numbers High calibre entries from all five ECR Competition finalists suggested a strong pool of next-generation research experts for Australia. Earlier this evening, more than

Safeguarding At-Risk Adults in Australia

Safeguarding At-Risk Adults in Australia

Australia’s elderly population faces growing risks of abuse and neglect. Dr. John Chesterman calls for dedicated state agencies to safeguard at-risk adults, drawing on international best practices and emphasising a people-centred approach.