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Regional Aussies have under one week to have a say on telecommunications issues

Residents in regional Australia discussing telecommunications issues at a community consultation session.

What’s Happening?

Australians living and working in regional, rural and remote communities have under a week to have their say on telecommunications issues as part of the Australian Government’s Regional Telecommunications Review.

The Hon. Alannah MacTiernan, Chair of the Regional Telecommunications Independent Review Committee, has also urged people to spread the word about the Review to friends, family and colleagues across regional Australia before it closes on Wednesday, 31 July, at 11:59 pm.

Why It Matters

The Committee has been examining the experiences of people in regional, rural, and remote parts of Australia and the suitability of their telecommunications services.

Residents, businesses, and community organisations can submit or complete the survey. The Terms of Reference outline key issues for the Committee to examine. An issues paper has also been released to shape ideas.

The input of local communities will form an essential part of the Review, which is held once every three years and will see the Committee deliver its recommendations to the government.

Previous Reviews have led to policy initiatives and programs such as the Mobile Black Spot Program and the National Audit of Mobile Coverage; all a direct ­result of community feedback.

The Terms of Reference, set by Federal Minister for Communications, the Hon Michelle Rowland MP, outline the key focus areas in the Review, including the:

  • opportunities for new and emerging technologies to strengthen telecommunications systems in regional, rural and remote areas of Australia,
  • effectiveness of existing government initiatives,
  • modernisation of the universal services arrangements,
  • strengthening telecommunications in natural disasters,
  • extent to which the needs of First Nations communities are being met.

The Chair is also joined on the Committee by Mr Ian Kelly, Ms Kristy Sparrow, the Hon Fiona Nash and Dr Jessa Rogers.

Have A Say

People can have their say in a number of ways:

Regional Telecommunications Review

GPO Box 594, CANBERRA ACT 2601

Or, by;

  • completing a short survey which will take 10 minutes
  • participating in a face-to-face consultation, with consultations still to be held in southern NSW, north Western Australia, and the Northern Territory.

Quotes attributable to Chair, the Hon Alannah MacTiernan

“This opportunity comes around only once every three years, and we are in the final stretch before the Committee delivers its recommendations back to government.

“People in regional, rural and remote Australia are relying on telecommunications services more than ever before and reliable, high-speed connectivity supports public safety, day-to-day business, social inclusion and access to essential health and education services.

“I would encourage every regional Australian to tell their friends, family, and colleagues about this opportunity and to get their own views in ahead of the closing date in a few short weeks.”

What To Look For Next

The Committee will report to Minister Rowland by 31 December 2024.

For more information on the Review, to make a submission, or to complete the survey, visit:


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